The Commercial Code allows the following company
systems for investors:
Unlimited Partnership
Limited Company
Company limited by shares
Limited Liability Company / OOD /
Sole Proprietorship with Limited Liability / EOOD
Public Limited Companies / AD /
the following company systems are legally recognised:
Joint venture
Subsidiary Representation
Trade Representative
Sole Proprietor / ET /
The most suitable trade organisations systems are
the Limited Liability Companies and the Public Limited Companies
Limited Liability Companies (OOD and EOOD): the
minimum capital allowed to establish an OOD or EOOD is BGN 5 000 (equivalent to
2500 euro).
Bulgarian and foreign entrepreneurs should register one of the aforementioned trade organisations with:
Bulgarian and foreign entrepreneurs should register one of the aforementioned trade organisations with:
the district court’s the trade register
the register agency (National Statistical
Institute) under the BULSTAT registration system for the issue of an
identification number
the National Social Insurance Institute, for
employees on the payroll
the Tax Department for taxation purposes
customs, in case there is any foreign trade