Friday 3 May 2013

Offer for sale: Hotel Ship DAIMOND PRINCESS


Type of ship:

Hotel ship, suitable for 79 guests, with bars and restaurant and separate discotheque for about 600
persons, moored in the centre of Antwerp; (converted sea going passenger-cargo ship)


length 80,80 m
breadth 12,20 m
depth 9,50 m
draught 4,50 m
air draught 20,00 m
Building year: 1952, yard number 93; in 1985 converted
Shipyard: Aalborg Verft a/s at Denmark
Class: originally Det Norske Veritas


Lower deck Deck -2: originally С-deck, several not used spaces, ventilation room originally cargo
hold used as store for provisions, large engine room, crew spaces
Tween deck Deck -1
Originally B-deck, fore peak, 2 longitudinal corridors with at both sides 35 cabins for guests; 3 staircases,
linen room; amidships engine room casing, aft peak
Main deck Deck 0
originally А-deck, store, 13 cabins for guests; conference / reading room, hall with reception, office,
wardrobe, engine room casing, kitchen rooms, technical spaces, hall with toilet spaces; panorama
lounge with bar at aft side
Promenade deck Deck 1:
fore deck with built-on lounge Diamond Lounge with large bar (suitable for about 125 persons), stair
casing with toilets store / office, dining room, restaurant (for total 100 persons), kitchen with separate
washing kitchen, foyer, stair casing, lounge Diamond Club (captain's lounge) with bar
Officers deck Deck 2:
sun deck above built-on lounge; corridor with at both sides 6 cabins, outside deck; engine room casing;
separate large discotheque with toilets, 3 bars, dance floors at different levels, upper deck with bar;
toilets and wardrobe
Bridge deck Deck 3:
Wheelhouse provided as 2-person cabin (suite); new deck house with toilets
Top deck Deck 4:
Outside deck with bar, tables and chairs for total 200 persons


Deck -2 personnel rooms:
2 separate changing rooms each with steel clothing chest and with separate toilet and separate shower;
store room at aft side
Deck -1 cabins:
2 longitudinal corridors with at both sides 35 cabins for guests of which 5 inner cabins divided in 10 2-
person cabins and 25 1-person cabins
Deck 0
Service: linen room (provided with racks) with below large store
Rooms: room (partly former cargo hold) with several store shelves
Cabins: store room, 13 cabins for guests divided in 9 2-person cabins and 4 1-person cabins
Service rooms: provision store, kitchen room with office for cook, cooling store, technical rooms, beer
cooling with post mix installation, store for drinks, freezing store
hall: glass chests, sitting corner with luxury fauteuils, reception, staircase hall, separate office on PS with
separate toilet, separate conference room / reading room on SB-fore side, wardrobe
Toilets: on the aft ship separate ladies toilet room with 4 toilets and double washing basin, separate
gentlemen toilet with 3 urinary, separate toilet and washing basin
Hall: hall with entrance door from the shore, locket with behind large wardrobe with several dress hooks
Deck 1
Lounge: lounge with several round tables and leather covered chairs, double entrance doors on SB-side,
single door on PS
Bar: large bar with several cooling chests and leather bar chairs and also buffet tables at fore sid
Hall: stair case with toilets and at PS store and on SB-side
Deck 1 (cont.) entrance to covered outside deck
Restaurant: separate room on PS (water side) with several stylish chairs and tables, behind L-shaped
restaurant with buffet table and several stylish tables with chairs; nostalgic styling
Kitchen: large kitchen on shore side with several stainless steel sinks and tables and separate cooling
rooms; through giving hatch on SB-fore side for service on upper deck;
Separate dish washing kitchen
Foyer: room with several tables and luxury fauteuils
Staircase: partly closed stair case with wooden / glass doors; at both sides separate stair case to
Lounge: stylish lounge Captain's Lounge with bar and sitting comer on aft side provided with van fire
place, book chests and several luxury leather and covered fauteuils with single tables
Deck 2
Cabins: corridor with at both sides 6 cabins divided in 4 2-person cabins and 2 1-person cabins
Discotheque: separate large discotheque with on fore side separate gentlemen and ladies toilet, total 3
lower deck bars, dance floors at different levels, floor with 4th bar; walls decorated with artistic
carpentry (gothic windows) in combination with curtains and lighting; all lower deck bars with several
bar chairs; ceiling in the middle provided with very large attractive chandelier and several small
chandeliers above the bars
Deck 3
Cabin: 2-person cabin (suite), attractive arranged with a lot of windows around, original wooden
steering wheel for the bed and separate bathroom
Deck: plexus glass covering behind the wheelhouse
Deck 4
Sun deck: open deck with 3 different height levels, original funnel with behind covered bar, several
tables and chairs for total 200 persons; several plastic palm trees; deck covered with grass mat floor
covering; on aft side fans and air ducts for ventilation of the lower situated discotheque


General: all carpentry in public rooms and cabins valid constructed and recently provided with new floor
covering; all outside decks covered with teak wood
Walls: walls of dark furniture plate with wood print and partly dark
original wooden carpentry;
Doors: several wooden outside doors; in the hotel corridors several fire doors with magnet locks
Windows: hull provided with portholes; deck 1 around provided with rectangular windows;
Captain's Lounge provided with double glass sliding windows in aluminum profiles; all windows
provided with curtains;
Discotheque:steel construction covered with fire resisting material; original teak deck used as dance
floor; provided with railing alongside the several different levels; modern bar at water side; raised floor
at aft side with bar and connecting store rooms; upper bar against original funnel provided with ceiling
with halogen lights
Several: all cabins provided with foldable stainless steel suit case rack, Philips color television and
Electrolux mini bar and also telephone and internet connection; all bath rooms provided with tile floor
with floor heating and shower, toilet and wash table; several rooms with separate table and chairs


Kitchen general: provided with stainless steel equipment consisting of working tables, cupboards, 2
washing basins, also 6-pits cooking plate with suction hood, grill, combi-steamer, fryer, micro wave
oven, cutting machine, coffee machine, refrigerator, ice cube machine etc.
Washing kitchen: provided with several stainless steel working tables and flushing taps with washing
basin, racks, dish washing machine etc.
Bars: all provided with several beer pumps, stainless steel wash basins, bottle coolers, etc.
Discotheque: expanded light and sound installation and central console; ceiling decoration;
walls covered with mirrors


General: some washing machines and dryers; several linen ware etc.
Reception: provided with cash machine, central telephone system and fax


General: both main engines just present but out of use; all sea water inlet pipe lines disconnected


General: all originally generators, pumps, kettles etc. just present, but not used anymore
Sanitary: 2 warm water circulation pumps on B-deck; 2 sanitary pumps on small tanks with connection
to the main sanitary tank; Stork 3" 220 V sanitary pump with shore connection; 10x 220 V boiler, total
volume 3.600 I; 24 V hydrophore; sewage system with shore connection via automatically floating
system in buffer tanks; Shore connection for fresh water
Ventilation: all toilets and bath rooms provided with mechanical fans
Heating: Viesmann C.V. heater type Vitorond 200 (2003) and 220 V radiators and heat exchangers on
the air conditioning system Climate control
Climate control: several units, fabr. Nilan Hedensted, in all guests cabins, restaurants, bar etc.; kitchen
provided with separate unit; centrally controlled and in the cabins also to be controlled
Electrical installation:
220 V for house keeping apparatus;
220 V for auxiliaries as anchor winch and general service
220/ 600 A shore connection


Type of steering installation: make John Hasties & Co. Ltd with 1 Oertz rudder (out of use)


Construction and arrangement:on the bridge deck, used as guests cabin for 2-person (suite), with
bridge wings covered with teak wood floor; wooden entrance doors




Type: fresh water several originally tanks filled with fresh water because of the stability of the vessel
(further out of use)
Fuel oil: also
Dirty water: 16 m3and 40 m3


Anchor fore ship: oil bath winch with 2 chain wheels and 2 warping heads
winches: driven by an electro motor (out of use)
Anchors fore ship:2 Hall anchors with chains, diam. 45 mm
Outside elevator: goods elevator on the aft ship at PS-side for providing of bar at the upper deck


Type fire fighting extinguishers: several fire fighting extinguishers and rail hoses and also smoke
detectors present according regulations of the fire brigade; automatically fire detection installation in
the hall on deck 0 including automatically control of the fire doors
Walking bridges: at shore side 2 covers steel walking bridges (hotel entrance and entrance aft ship) each
provided with steps (because of level differences), railing and artificial sailcloth round shaped covering;
entrance on aft ship provided with steel grid door; on fore ship at shore side portable aluminum walking
bridge of profile construction with tear plate walking part (2004)
Outside stairs: 2 steel outside stairs at the shore side from the discotheque on Deck 2 each with railing
and platform; both connected with steel platform at shore level with hinged short stair; on main deck
steel stair at SB-side behind connecting lounge
Masts: heavy steel rigged mast with 2 thread winches with 2 warping heads (all out of use); steel lantern
mast on the aft deck (originally mast guided through the discotheque); 2 steel radar masts on the
wheelhouse (out of use)
Elevator: electrical goods elevator between Deck -1 and 1 for service from the kitchen
Several: originally hatch way provided with steel pontoon hatches (out of use); side decks lighted with
outside lights (bull eye's)


Hull material: steel, riveted and partly welded
Shape: hull built with sheer and ice breaking stem
Transverse bulkheads: 6 watertight
Decks: all outer decks covered with teakwood and constructed with camber; bridge deck covered with
red cedar wood; all outer decks provided with railing or bulwark
Several: all fire doors to be controlled from the reception; on several places on the bottom (in double
bottom tanks) concrete ballast
Five years license for a night club currently in place.

PRICE: on demand by email
PICTURES: on demand