Thursday 9 May 2013

Requirements for international transport license receiving and maintenance in Republic of Bulgaria

1. trustworthiness – covered when the person (manager) responsible for the management of the transport activities has not been convicted for a general crime or has not been deprived from exercising transportation activities by judgement-at-law.
2. competence – covered when the person responsible for transport activities has attended successfully qualification courses (got diploma) with certain scope of training/education. Person who obtained certificate for professional competence in a EU member country can be recognized as eligible providing that he/she is not registered as a responsible in more than one other company here in BG or in EU.
3. financial stability – covered when the company has sufficient financial resources to start and maintain transport activities. Proved when the own capital of the company (own capital includes registration capital and financial results after registration) covers 9000 euro equivalent for the first vehicle and 5000 euro equivalent per license copy for the second and the following vehicles. It is possible to cover the missing own capital through a bank guarantee for the same amounts providing that this guarantee is valid for not less than 1 year (renewed if necessary for the term of the license which is 5 years).
4. (new one which will get into force as from 4th of December 2011) – domestic permanence (in other words – stable link with the territory of Bulgaria) – covered when "the applicant proves that the company really and firmly has been settled on the territory of Bulgaria"
To my opinion from the checks from the Automobile administration that I have attended in Sofia this means to present:
a) employment contracts of the administration and drivers;
b) rented or own premises for the office (till now it was only when proving garage spaces for the vehicles);
c) domestic registration (declared in police address) of the person responsible for the daily transportation management – see item 2 above (till now it was only employment contract for the same person and copy of the notice for employment sent to NRA at the beginning of the employment);
d) could be in the worst case – documents proving relations with local companies ordering transport from BG to other countries.
Documents for application of a new license or for renewal of the license.
1. company registration number,
2. statement that the candidate is not bankrupt or is not in procedure for bankruptcy (only for new license); 3. documents the financial stability showing that the necessary resources for proper functioning of the activity (bookkeeping reports, bank guarantee); 4. certificate for absence of conviction of the person who manage the transport activity (only for new license); 5. certificate of professional competence granted to the person who directs the transport activity (only for new license); 6. Declaration of owned or rented garage with address of its location (only for new
license); 7. copy of the appointment of a person who manage the transport activity; 8. copy of the notification under Art . 62, para. 3 of the Labor Code of the person appointed to manage the transport operations, certified by the territorial directorate of the National Revenue Agency.
Fees for the license: 2000 leva for EU transport license (exchange rate normally 1,95 leva per euro) and 10 leva per copy of the license; renewal of the license – 100 leva
Time frame of the procedure: 1-2 weeks for registration of the company in the Trade register , 1 month for obtaining a transport license