Thursday 26 September 2013

Sofia today

Sofia in figures 

Territory - 1349 sq km
Height above the sea level - 550 m
Population –1 296 615
Natural increase rate (per 1 000 persons of the population) ‰ – (-1.1)
Mortality rate - Total (per 1 000 population) ‰ – 11.7
Population density – 961,2 people per sq km
Buildings (number) – 101 816
Dwellings (number) - 608 426
Accommodation establishments (number) - 121
Nights spent - total (number) - 1 173 064
Basic social and economic indicators - 2011

Average annual number of employees under labour contract (number) - 642 915
Average annual wages and salaries of the employees under
labor contract (Levs) - 11 249
Economic activity rate - 15 - 64 completed years (%) - 73.6
Employment rate - 15 - 64 completed years (%) - 69.2
Unemployment rate (%) - аccording to labour force survey (NSI, RSO – Sofia) - 5.9
Relative share of households with Internet access (%) - 67.0
Relative share of individuals aged 16-74, regulary using internet (at least once per week)(%) - 74.3
Hospitals as of 31.12. (number) – 59
Hospital beds in the hospital establishments as of 31.12. (number) – 8 916
Physicians in health establishments per 10 000 population (number) - 45.1
Foreign direct investment in non-financial enterprises at cumulative base as of 31.12. (thousand USD - up to 2006 - incl./ thousand Euro - since 2007) - 11 586 556.9
Gross domestic product per capita (Levs) - 23 256
Expenditure on acquisition of tangible fixed assets (thousand Levs) – 8 482 783
Turnover (thousand Levs) – 92 739 144

Output (thousand Levs) – 45 936 214