Saturday 29 June 2013

Boekhouding Bulgaarse firma

De boekhouding voor uw Bulgaarse vennootschap kan door ons kantoor in Sofia verzorgt worden tegen.
Bij ons is boekhouden meer dan apenwerk van invoeren van facturen in een computerprogramma. Wij begeleiden onze klanten van A to Z in hun manier van zaken doen in Bulgarije.

Onze adviezen zijn eveneens inbegrepen in deze prijzen: een  vennootschap betaald bij ons een maandelijkse fee van 70 euro.  In deze prijzen is alles inbegrepen, en wie Bulgarije kent weet dat dit heel wat is.

Accounting services
Start-up fee of the book keeping (creating profile)
Bookkeeping- 0 documents (yearly, sleeping company)
Bookkeeping- 1 up to 5 documents2 (monthly)
Bookkeeping- 15 documents (monthly)
Bookkeeping- 35 documents (monthly)
Bookkeeping- 80 documents (monthly)
Bookkeeping- 165 documents (monthly)
Bookkeeping- Holding
upon request
upon request
Completion of company’s annual return3
Pay slip (per person)
Salary administration (per person)

Voor meer informatie kan u ons steeds bereiken op het telefoonnummer tijdens de kantooruren van 9 tot 18 uur 00359 29819033 (hou rekening met het 1 uur tijdverschil) of zend een email met de vraag om bijkomende informatie naar:

Bulgarian Companies

Sole proprietor (Ednolichen Tatgovetz, ET) - the company is owned and run by one person. There is no legal distinction between the owner and the business. The owner’s personal property and assets are tied to the company and vice versa. All possible liabilities can lead to seizure of personal property.

General partnership (Sabiratelno Druzhestvo, SD) - in this case two people (or legal entities) share the ownership of the company based on a previously signed contract. Partners have unlimited liability and are both held responsible for possible debts or legal actions related to the company.

Limited partnership (Komanditno druzhestvo, KD) - this company is founded when two or more people/legal entities sign up for commercial activity under a common company. One or more of the partners have unlimited liabilities for the obligations and debts of the company. The rest of the partners have limited liability according to the size of their investment.

Limited liability company (Druzhestvo s ogranichena otgovornost, OOD) - these are legal entities in which the partners’ liability is limited to the size of the capital they have invested. The company’s registered capital should not be less than 2 BGN (approx. €1).

This business unit can be initially founded by a single person/legal entity, in which case it is called sole limited liability company (EOOD).

Public limited Company (Aktzionerno druzhestvo, AD) - involves one or more persons or legal entities. They own shares of stock in the company. The liability of a joint-stock company is limited to its property.

OOD of EOOD oprichten

Belgian Bulgarian Partners (firma binnen Sas Holdings Group) is gespecialiseerd in het opstarten van ondernemingen  in Bulgarije. Als erkend accountantshuis heeft u bij ons het voordeel van de wettelijke bescherming in alles wat wij voor u ondernemen.

Bulgarije heeft het  laagste belastingenstarief  in de eu (10% vennootschapsbelasting, 10%  personenbelasting, 5%  op dividenden).

Precies om deze redenen is Bulgarije  zeer geliefd als jurisdictie voor  uw onderneming.

Bulgarije kent  de laagste arbeidskosten binnen de EU, door gebruik te maken van outsourcing van arbeid of productie naar Bulgarije kunnen ondernemingen hier groot voordeel van genieten.

Het opstarten van een bedrijf in Bulgarije is zeer eenvoudig:

Een Bulgaarse OOD (gelijk aan de Belgische bvba)  is op drie werkdagen klaar en kan opgericht worden met 2 leva (ongeveer 1 euro) maar wij adviseren 100 leva.

Belgian Bulgarian Partners kan voor u:

- een  vennootschap oprichten in Bulgarije voor de prijs van 650 euro
- uw vennootschap voorzien van een domicilie (225 euro) en van een correspondentieadres (855 euro).
- indien gewenst, uw vennootschap van lokaal management voorzien tegen vooraf afgesproken prijzen.
- de volledige boekhouding voeren van uw vennootschap na duidelijke afspraken.
- belastingadvies verstrekken.
- een volledige projectbegeleiding voorzien.
-werven van personeel (Beris Recruitment maakt onderdeel uit van Sas Holdings Group)

Onze medewerkers spreken Nederlands, Engels, Frans  en Duits. Alle documenten, ook de oprichtingsdocumenten worden standaard in twee talen geleverd.  Op aanvraag ook in het Turks.

Neem contact via email ( en wij zenden u de presentatie van 17 bladzijden over hoe zaken doen in Bulgarije geheel gratis en zonder enige verplichting.

tax and law consultants

There is a lot of opportunity for organization growth in Bulgaria and a lot of off shore companies are looking for a way to bring some of their manufacturing and other business to this Eastern Europe company. Before you begin on this venture, nonetheless, you require to understand all of the legal ramifications of such a move. This is the job of a tax and law consultant, who will tell you the benefits of chartering your organization in this country in accordance to tax and laws and as a permanent consultant, will assist you continually with your tax problems.

It is also crucial to safeguard your brand, which is why you need a trademark lawyer in Bulgaria to help you safeguard trademark and copyright works. Do not assume that because your work is protected in some countries, it is protected in all. Whenever you do business in Bulgaria, you want to safeguard your trademark by seeking the guidance of a trademark lawyer.

By choosing legal consultants who have expertise in Bulgarian law, you will be in the best position to set up a successful company venture in this country. A venture company in Bulgaria can be very profitable, but you must have a thorough knowledge of the laws of the country. It is therefore extremely important to be assisted by a tax and law consultant in Bulgaria and a law firm that understands how company law in this country works.

Theorie catastrofaal vollopen Zwarte Zee rond 5600 v.Chr.

Men ontdekte op wat nu de bodem van de zee is, een begraven laag van schelpengruis, doorsneden door meanderende rivierbeddingen, rivierdelta's en stranden. De kleilaag onder dit schelpengruis bevat overvloedig plantaardig materiaal, wortels, slakken en scheuren door uitdroging. Het lijkt erop dat hier vroeger een kust-moeras was. Het ligt nu circa 140 m diep onder water.
Eerdere onderzoekingen rapporteerden al löss-lagen, vloedlijnen, kustafzettingen en strandterrassen uit een periode van 15.780 tot 7660 v.Chr. op diepten tussen 93 en 122 m en op grote diepte verborgen rivierdalen die suggereren dat het wateroppervlakte in de ijstijd minimaal 110 m lager dan nu lag.

Circa 10.000 v.Chr. was de ijstijd afgelopen en begonnen de oceanen weer te stijgen. Circa 7000 v.Chr. stonden ze op circa 35 meter onder het huidige niveau. Dat is de tegenwoordige drempeldiepte van de Bosporus. Mogelijk begon toen het Middellandse Zeewater als een beekje de Zwarte Zee op te vullen. Maar de sapropeel (een zuurstofarme, zwarte modder) is pas 2000 jaar later ontstaan. Mogelijk is de oorzaak hiervan dat het (zwaardere) zoute water langzaam naar de bodem van het bekken is gezakt en pas 2000 jaar later anoxisch (zuurstofarm) werd hetgeen leidde tot de vorming van sapropeel.
Rond 5600 v.Chr. vervingen zouttolerante flora en fauna abrupt een flora en fauna die leefden in een zoetwatermeer en het binnenstromen van zout water niet konden overleven, behalve in de riviermondingen. Rond die tijd verscheen er ook een ander type mollusken (weekdieren). Boringen tonen aan dat de Bosporus anno 2005 met een laag sedimenten bedekt was en dat de harde rots op een diepte ligt van minimaal 85 meter. Ryan veronderstelde nu, dat er in de Bosporus een 70 meter dikke laag sedimenten gelegen moet hebben op circa 15 meter onder de huidige zeespiegel. Dit niveau werd door de oceaan (en de daarmee in verbinding staande Middellandse zee) pas circa 5600 v.Chr. bereikt. Daarop stroomde zout water door deze doorgang. Door deze stroming werden er sedimenten weggevoerd, waardoor de opening groter werd. Daardoor werd de stroming sterker en werden er weer meer sedimenten weggevoerd enzovoort. Toen alle sedimenten weggespoeld waren, was er een doorgang ontstaan die meer dan 50 km³ water per dag kon doorlaten. Er was dus sprake van een ware stortvloed. Het wateroppervlak van de Zwarte Zee steeg aanvankelijk met tientallen cm per dag. Zo'n 100.000 km² land werd binnen een (paar) jaar overstroomd.

Het onderlopen van dit uitgestrekte land zou mogelijk de verspreiding van de vroege neolithische cultuur naar Europa hebben versneld. Rond 5550 v.Chr. waren er al neolithische boeren gevestigd in Griekenland, Bulgarije, Roemenië en langs de kust van de Zee van Marmara. Rond 5000 v.Chr. verspreidde deze cultuur zich snel landinwaarts, langs de dalen van grotere rivieren van zuidoost Europa. De ploeg en eenvoudige irrigatie verschijnen plotseling in Transkaukasië. Deze versnelde uitbreiding van het neolithicum zou kunnen zijn veroorzaakt door de verdrijving van de bewoners van de ondergelopen kusten van de Zwarte Zee. Deze bewoners waren aangepast aan de natuurlijke bronnen hiervan, te weten: de löss, de door water afgezette klei en vochtige leem.

(bron: wikipedia)

Sofia Synagogue

De Sofia Synagoge is een van de grootste synagogen in Europa en de grootste van zuidoostelijk Europa. De synagoge werd gebouwd voor de Sefardische Joden in de hoofdstad. De Oostenrijkse architect Friedrich Grünanger nam de oude Sefardische synagoge in Wenen als voorbeeld. De synagoge, waarin maar liefst 1300 gelovigen passen, werd in 1909 plechtig geopend in aanwezigheid van Tsaar Ferdinand I van Bulgarije. Toch worden de diensten op dit moment nog maar bijgewoond door zo’n 50 man. Het overgrote deel van de voormalige Joodse gemeenschap van Sofia emigreerde naar Israël.

Een opvallend stuk in de synagoge is de kroonluchter, die twee ton weegt en de grootste van het land is. De bouwstijl van de kerk is voor het grootste deel neo-Moors, met elementen van de Wiener Secession en Venetiaanse architectuur. Het geloofshuis heeft een achthoekige koepel. Het interieur is rijkelijk versierd met marmeren zuilen en Venetiaanse mozaïeken. In de synagoge is het Joods Geschiedenismuseum ondergebracht.

Het Largo gebouwencomplex

Het Largo is een gebouwencomplex van drie Stalinistische gebouwen, gebouwd in de jaren ’50. Het is een van de beste voorbeelden van deze stijl in het Balkangebied. Een gebouw is het voormalige partijhuis, de hoofdbasis van de Bulgaarse Communistische Partij. Dat gebouw wordt nu gebruikt door het parlement. Een ander is het regeringsgebouw van Sofia en in het derde gebouw heeft depresident zijn kantoor. Verder huisvest het complex nog het Tzum-warenhuis, een Sheraton-hotel en het Ministerie van Onderwijs. Het plein rond de gebouwen is het Onafhankelijkheidsplein. Na 1989 werden alle communistische symbolen van het gebouw verwijderd.


De Boyanakerk, gelegen in één van de buitenwijken van Sofia, aan de voet van de Vitosha, is staat omwille van zijn historische waarde op de Werelderfgoedlijst van de Unesco. Tijdens de Middeleeuwen was de kerk een van de 35 Bulgaarse forten die de oude stad Sredets moesten beschermen. De kerk werd in het fort gebouwd en is een prachtig voorbeeld van middeleeuwse architectuur. De 900 jaar oude kerk staat ook bekend om zijn fantastische fresco’s. Deze fresco’s zijn de bestbewaarde schilderingen van de middeleeuwse schilderschool van Turnovo.

Banya Bashi-moskee in Sofia

De Banya Bashi-moskee is een van de oudste moskeeën van Europa. Het gebouw dateert al van 1576. In die tijd hadden de Ottomanen de macht over Sofia. ‘Banya Bashi’ betekent letterlijk ‘vele baden’. De moskee werd ontworpen door Koca Mimar Sinan, een van de beste architecten uit die periode. Hij bouwde onder meer ook de Süleymaniye Moskee in Istanbul. Dat deze bouwmeester geniaal was, blijkt uit het feit dat hij de moskee over natuurlijke thermale bronnen heeft kunnen bouwen. De moskee staat vooral bekend om zijn grote koepel en hoge minaret.

Centrale Mineraalbaden in Sofia

Sofia staat bekend om de vele mineraalbronnen die er in de omgeving te vinden zijn . De centrale baden van Sofia werden gebouwd in het begin van de 20ste eeuw en werden tot 1986 gebruikt als openbare badplaats. Het gebouw werd opgetrokken in de Wiener Secession-stijl, maar heeft ook typisch Bulgaarse en Byzantijnse en Orthodoxe elementen. De architecten van dienst waren Petko Momchilov en Friedrich Grünanger. Die laatste ontwierp ook de Synagoge van Sofia en het Koninklijk Paleis. In 1913 openden de baden hun deuren. Het gebouw is prachtig versierd met majolica-aardewerk.

Friday 28 June 2013

National History Museum (Bulgaria)

Founded in 1973, the National Museum of History in Sofia contains more than 650,000 exhibits and is one of the largest history museums on the Balkans. The aim of the museum is to provide a comprehensive view on Bulgarian history from the prehistory to present, in as broad an European context as possible.

The National Museum of History was established on 5 May 1973 by Decree No. 90 of the Council of Ministers. On 2 March 1984, the new representative exhibition was opened in the building of the Court of Justice on the occasion of the 1300-th anniversary of the Bulgarian state.

In 2000, the NMH shifted to a new location – Home 1 in the former Boyana residence, where on 10, November, 1989 the last communist leader was removed from power.

The National Historical Museum disposes of a cloakroom, a buffet, a museum library and a souvenir shop, also offering professional conservation and restoration of historical monuments, authenticity investigations and expert valuation.

The museum’s director is the historian Dr. Bozhidar Dimitrov.

The National Museum of History in Sofia is one of the largest history museums on the Balkans with 650.000 items and the largest archaeological and historical archive. The Museum’s collections are its greatest treasure. They comprise materials from Prehistoric ages till our days.

Address: Boyana residence
Phone: 00359 955 42 80
Mobile: 00359 896 720 336
Fax: 00359 955 76 02

Work time:
Open for visitors every day.
Closed on 1 Jan, Easter (Sunday), 24 & 25 Dec
November – March 09:00 – 17:30
April – October 09:00 – 18:00

Health insurance

Relations under the compulsory and voluntary health insurance shall be regulated by the Health Insurance Act (HIA).
Health insurance shall be implemented via collection and spending the monetary funds – insured persons and contributors participate in the health insurance system with social security contributions, and in case of an insurance event the insured persons shall obtain medical aid as prestation.
Compulsory health insurance is an activity related to managing and spending the funds from compulsory health insurance contributions for payment of health related activities, which is carried out by the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) and its territorial divisions - regional health insurance funds. The compulsory health insurance provides for a basic package of health related activities guaranteed by the budget of NHIF.
The body, which carried out and manages the compulsory health insurance, is NHIF – it organizes the collection, management and distribution of the funds for compulsory health insurance. The compulsory health insurance contributions are collected by the National Revenue Agency (§ 20 of the Transitional and Final Provisions of the Health Insurance Act).
Basic principles:
..... compulsory participation in the collection of the contributions;
..... participation of the state, the insured persons and the employers in the management of NHIF;
..... solidarity of insured persons in the use of the collected funds…….
The health insurance contributions shall be paid:
..... through a bank transfer – the social security contributions under the Health Insurance Act shall be paid into the accounts for collecting health insurance contributions of the territorial directorates of NRA. See the bank accounts and the codes for types of payment
..... by postal order.
Insured individuals
1. All Bulgarian citizens who are not simultaneously citizens of another country;
2. Bulgarian citizens who are also citizens of another country and reside permanently on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.
3. Foreign citizens or stateless persons who have obtained permission for permanent residence in the Republic of Bulgaria, unless stipulated otherwise in an international contract to which the Republic of Bulgaria is a party.
4. Individuals who have been granted statute of a refugee, humanitarian statute, or right of asylum.
5. Foreign students and PhD students admitted for training in higher schools and scientific organizations in Bulgaria pursuant to the procedure established by Decree of the Council of Ministers No 103 of 1993 on the Implementation of Educational Activities amongst Bulgarians Abroad, and Decree of the Council of Ministers No 228 of 1997 on the Admission of Citizens of the Republic of Macedonia as Students in the State Higher Schools of the Republic of Bulgaria
6. Persons beyond those indicated in items 1 – 5, to whom the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria is applied pursuant to the rules for coordination of the social security systems.
"Rules for Coordination of the Social Security Systems” shall be the rules introduced by Council Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 on the application of social security schemes to employed persons moving within the Community – employed, self-employed persons and the members of their families who are not covered by compulsory health insurance on other grounds, by Council Regulation (EEC) No 574/72 determining the procedure for implementing Council Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71, and by any other Regulations which amend, supplement or supersede them /§ 1, item 22 of the Supplementary Provisions of the Health Insurance Act/.
The persons who, pursuant to the rules for coordination of the social security systems, are liable to health insurance in another Member State shall not be compulsorily insured in NHIF.
Amount of the health insurance contribution – it shall be fixed every year by the NHIF Budget Act – 8 per cent for the year 2011.
For the year 2011 the distribution of the health insurance contributions between the contributor and the insured person shall be in a 60:40 ratio, as follows:
-           3.2 per cent at the expense of the insured person;
-           4.8 per cent at the expense of the contributor;
The health insurance contribution of the self-insured persons shall be completely at their expense and shall amount to 8 per cent for the year 2011.
The insurable earnings for the purposes of the compulsory health insurance are fixed in the Act or shall be determined depending on the accrued/paid or non-accrued remunerations, indemnifications or the income chosen by the self-insured person, which may not be smaller than the minimal monthly insurable earnings pursuant to the State Social Security Budget Act /SSSBA/ for the respective year.
The following amounts of monthly insurable earnings have been determined for the year 2011 by Art. 8 of the SSSBA:
-        minimal monthly amount of the insurable earnings during the calendar year according to basic economic activities and qualification groups of professions in accordance with Annex No 1 to Art. 8, Item 1 of the SSSBA for the year 2011;
By Order No RD 01-1082/30.12.2009 of the Minister of Labor and Social Policy the following were ratified: a list with included new positions; a list of positions with changed titles, and a list of positions with changed codes included in the National Classification of Professions and Positions 2005.
....... minimal monthly amount of the insurable earnings for self-insured persons in conformity with their insurable earnings for 2009 as self-insured persons:
- up to BGN 5 400 – BGN 420;
- from BGN 5 401 to BGN 6 500 – BGN 450;
- from BGN 6 501 to BGN 7 500 – BGN 500;
- more than BGN 7 500 – BGN 550;
....... minimal monthly amount of the insurable earnings for registered agricultural manufacturers and tobacco growers – BGN 240;
The maximal amount of the monthly earnings, on the basis of which the health insurance contribution shall be calculated, shall be the maximal income determined by the SSSBA (Art. 40, Para. 7 of the Health Insurance Act) – BGN 2 000 for the year 2011.
The insurable earnings, on the basis of which the contribution shall be calculated, shall be established according to payrolls and other documents for paid or accrued but unpaid remunerations, according to pension records, paid medical certificates, paid indemnifications for unemployed persons, and according to the tax returns under the Personal Income Tax Act (Art. 42 of the Health Insurance Act).
The income, terms and method for payment of the health insurance contributions for insured persons are stipulated in Art. 40 of the Health Insurance Act.
The health insurance rights of the persons, who are obligated to pay social security contributions at their expense, shall be interrupted in case that the persons have not paid more than three monthly social security contributions due for a period of 36 months up to the beginning of the month preceding the month of the medical aid rendered. The persons with interrupted health insurance rights shall pay for the medical aid rendered to them.
Persons, who have not paid more than three monthly social security contributions due for a period of 36 months up to the beginning of the month preceding the medical aid rendered, shall restore their health insurance rights provided that they pay all the health insurance contributions due for the last 36 months. The health insurance rights shall be restored as of the date of the payment of all health insurance contributions due for this period /Art. 109 of the Health Insurance Act/.
See How can I restore my health insurance rights
The Health Insurance Act stipulates a special procedure for the social security of Bulgarian citizens, inclusive of those with dual citizenship, who reside abroad for a long time. Under certain conditions, these persons are provided with the opportunity to be exempted from the obligation to pay social security contributions – from the date of leaving the country.
Pursuant to Art. 40а of the Health Insurance Act, Bulgarian citizens, inclusive of those with dual citizenship, who shall be obligated to secure themselves and reside abroad for more than 183 days during one calendar year, may choose not to pay health insurance contributions until the end of the respective calendar year counted from the date of leaving the country and for each following calendar year, after a preliminarily filed application to the National Revenue Agency.
The health insurance rights of the abovementioned persons shall be restored after their return to the country after the expiration of 6 consecutive months, during which the person has been covered by health insurance in accordance with the procedure established by Art. 40.
Beyond these cases, the health insurance rights of the persons may be restored after their return to the country after a lump sum payment amounting to 12 health insurance contributions determined in accordance with the procedure established by Art. 29, Para. 3 of the Health Insurance Act on the basis of the minimal monthly amount of the insurable earnings for self- insured persons stipulated by the State Social Security Budget Act as of the time of payment of the contributions.
On the grounds of § 19i, Para. 1 of the Transitional and Final Provisions of the Health Insurance Act, Bulgarian citizens who resided out of the country for more than 183 days during one calendar year for the period 1 July 1999 - 31 December 2007 and owe health insurance contributions at their expense for the period they were abroad, shall be exempted from the obligation to pay these contributions if they did not use medical aid paid for by NHIF.
In these events the individuals shall submit to the competent territorial directorate of NRA a declaration following a template ratified by an order issued by the Minister of Finance - in person or via an authorized person. The declaration may also be submitted by a licensed mail operator or by electronic means through use of a universal electronic signature of the sender.
The procedure for restoring the health insurance rights of these persons shall be:
-       after the expiration of 6 consecutive months, during which the person has been covered by health insurance under the procedure of Art. 40 of the Health Insurance Act; or

-      after a lump sum payment of a sum amounting to 12 health insurance contributions determined in accordance with the procedure established by Art. 29, Para. 3 of the Health Insurance Act on the basis of the minimal monthly amount of the insurable earnings for self-insured persons defined in the State Social Security Budget Act as at the time of payment of the contributions.

What is NRA (Bulgaria)

About NRA — what taxes and social security contributions does it administer?

As of 1 January 2006 the National Revenue Agency incorporated the collection and administering of state taxes (income tax, patent taxes, VAT, corporate taxes) and obligatory social security contributions (health insurance contributions, pension insurance contributions, contributions for additional mandatory pension insurance, etc.).

Taxes administered by NRA

The following documents are filed at NRA’s offices (former tax divisions and territorial tax directorates):

 Personal income tax returns,
Patent tax returns,
Corporate income tax returns,
VAT returns.
Local taxes and fees administered by municipalities

Local taxes and fees (including building tax, garbage fee, taxes on vehicles, property acquisition taxes, inheritance taxes) are now administered by the municipal administrations and not by the tax administration, as it was until the end of 2005. For more details on the payment of local taxes and fees, please contact the municipal administrations’ division within whose area of competence your permanent address falls.

Social security administered by NRA

From the beginning of 2006 notifications about labor contracts, declarations about insured persons, and returns about social security contributions due are also filed at the offices of the National Revenue Agency. Also at the Agency are filed the returns (forms 3 and 5) about the health insurance contributions for persons insured by the state budget, as well as the returns for social security and health insurance contributions paid in advance.

Certificates issued by NRA

In addition, at NRA’s offices certificates for tax and social security liabilities are issued, and inquiries about clients’ health and social security status can be made.

Ways of payment

Payment of taxes and social security contributions is made via banks to the accounts of the Agency’s respective territorial directorate or via Internet. No cash payments are accepted.

Benefits paid by NSSI

Benefits for temporary work incapacity, pregnancy and maternity, childcare, unemployment, accident at work and occupational illnesses, as well as all other benefits are still paid by the National Social Security Institute.

Personal income tax

Annual taxation and declaring of income received in 2012

Applicable to the annual taxation and declaring of income received in 2012 are the provisions of the Personal Income Tax Act (PITA).

Subject to tax on the common annual tax base is the income of individuals received from:

employment relations;
 economic activity different from the economic activity as sole proprietor and from other economic activity as per Art. 29a of the PITA;
renting or other leasing of rights or property for consideration;
assignment of rights or property;
other sources.
Note: income from other economic activity as per Art. 29a of the PITA is the income from the economic activity of individuals registered as tobacco growers and farmers, who according to law or at their own discretion are levied under the procedure stipulated for the taxation of sole proprietors’ income.

The tax on the common annual tax base shall be assessed by multiplying the common annual tax base by 10% tax rate.

The income from economic activity as a sole proprietor and the income from other economic activity as per Art. 29a of the PITA (BG) shall be levied with tax on the annual tax base, at 15% tax rate.

==> Deadlines

The deadline for submitting the annual tax return as per Art. 50 of the PITA for 2012 is April 30th, 2013.

The deadline for paying the tax for additional payment, which is declared in the annual tax return, is also April 30th, 2013.

See more information about the Annual Tax Return as per Art. 50 of the PITA with the annexes and instructions on its submission.

Important! The individuals, who submit their annual tax return by February 10th, 2013, are entitled to a 5% discount on the paid within the same deadline portion of the tax for additional payment under the annual tax return.

The individuals, who submit their annual tax return electronically by April 30th, 2013, are entitled to a 5% discount on the paid within the same deadline portion of the tax for additional payment under the annual tax return, provided that they don’t use the 5% discount stipulated for the February 10th deadline.

Attention! The discounts can be used if the individuals, who must pay tax in advance, did pay the full amount of the tax due within the statutory deadlines.

The annual tax return shall be submitted by resident and non-resident individuals who have received income in 2012 which is:

subject to taxation on the common annual tax base including income from employment relations pursuant to § 1, item 26, letters “f” and “i” of the Supplementary Provisions of the PITA.
subject to taxation with tax on the annual tax base for the income from economic activity as sole proprietor and the income from other economic activity as per Art. 29a of the PITA;
subject to taxation with patent tax under the Local Taxes and Fees Act (LTFA).
==> The resident individuals are obliged to declare:

Income received from abroad during the year from dividends, liquidation quotas, as well as taxable income from supplementary voluntary social security, voluntary health insurance, and life insurance.
Shares owned and shareholdings in companies, place of business, fixed establishment and real estate abroad.
 Extended loans/borrowings, as follows:
a) the outstanding balance of the loans extended in 2012, if their total amount exceeds BGN 10 000;

b) the outstanding balances as of the end of 2012 of loans extended during the same year as well as within the previous 5 fiscal years, if the total amount of these balances exceeds BGN 40 000;

c) the outstanding balance of loans received in 2012, if their total amount exceeds BGN 10 000, excluding bank loans received from credit institutions as per the Credit Institutions Act;

d) the outstanding balances as of the end of 2012 of loans received during the same year as well as within the previous 5 fiscal years, excluding bank loans received from credit institutions as per the Credit Institutions Act, if the total amount of these balances exceeds BGN 40 000.

Attention! Non-resident individuals, who are considered resident individuals for taxation purposes of EU member-states or countries, which are party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, are entitled to choose to recalculate the final income tax pursuant to Art. 37 of the PITA. The choice shall be exercised by submitting an annual tax return pursuant to Art. 50 of the PITA, whereas the tax return includes all other income that are subject to declaring by the non-resident individual.

==> Cases when no annual tax return is submitted:

Free from submitting an annual tax return are the individuals who in 2012 have received only:

income from employment relationship, if by December 31st, 2012, these individuals have a principal employer who has assessed the annual amount of the tax for all the employment income received during the fiscal year, and the full amount of the tax for the fiscal year has been deducted by January 31st, 2013, and/or
employment income, if as of December 31st, 2012 the taxpayer has no employer as per his principal employment or has such an employer, but this employer has not assessed the annual amount of the tax for all the employment income received during the fiscal year, provided the following conditions are simultaneously fulfilled
the tax on the common annual tax base is equal to the deducted in advance tax on the employment income and
 the taxpayers is not using any tax benefits when he submits the annual tax return; and/or;
        3. non-taxable income, and/or

        4. income taxable with a final tax as per Chapter 6 of the PITA, except for:

the income of local individuals from dividends, liquidation quotas, supplementary voluntary social security, voluntary health insurance and from life insurances with foreign sources;
 income of foreign individuals if they have chosen to adjust the final tax on income as per Art. 37 of the PITA.
No annual tax return shall also be submitted in case the individuals are registered as sole proprietors, but in 2012 have not performed economic activity, have not received other income subject to declaring in the annual tax return, and here are no circumstances which the individual had to declare (real estate in a foreign country, received and/or extended any loans, etc.).

The annual tax returns shall be submitted:

 personally in the respective office of the NRA as per the permanent address of the individual and the sole proprietor; or
 by postal order with a return receipt (see the addresses and the postal codes of NRA’s offices), or
 on-site at one of the 352 post offices, where they will be given a reference number by Bulgarian Post’s official;

 by Internet with an electronic signature (see more details on declaring income by Internet).(BG)

The benefit of registering a car or motor vehicle in Bulgaria

Have  ever thought what could be the benefit of registering a car or motor vehicle in Bulgaria Benefits are grate.

Have a read the article below and you will understand:

In Bulgaria there is no road taxes ,you just pay municipality tax on car address of registration. That depends of power of the car engine and will vary between 50 leva to150 leva per year.

MOT- Technical assessment per year is way cheaper then in other EU countries and Greece .That will cost you about 35 leva per year and you can do that in any licensed garage in Bulgaria.

To drive the car on public roads the government charge a stickers which could be for one year ,six months ,one month ,one week. Price for a cars of sticker for one year is about 67 leva  Those stickers are obligatory just if you drive the car in Bulgaria if you drive else where it is not. But it is recommended to have one.

Third party car insurances in Bulgaria  are as well way cheaper then in other EU countries and Greece. 

Normaly car insurance is between 120 leva to 240 leva per year and depends of the engine  power of the car. Bulgarian car insurance are fully valid all over the Europe and outside of Europe. They cover all damages and liabilities caused to a tird party . Important that you have to know is that the insurance in Bulgaria is made on the car ,not on the person name .That means any person who drives the car is covered for the damages caused to the third party due to road accident.

Owners of vehicles in the municipality to declare permanent address, office held by their vehicles within two months of their acquisition. For cars City Council determines the amount of tax according to engine power, adjusted by a factor depending on the year of manufacture as follows:

1. to 37 kw, including 0.34 to 1.02 Lv. per 1 kw;
2. over 37 kw to 55 kw, including from 0.40 to 1.20 Lv per 1 kw;
3. 55 kw to 74 kw, including from 0.54 to 1.62 Lv per 1 kw;
4. 74 kw to 110 kw, including from 1.10 to 3.30 Lv euro per 1 kw;
5. over 110 kw from 1.23 to 3.69 Lv per 1 kw.

Number of years from year of production, including the year of production
Over 14 years
Over 5 to 14 years including
Up to 5 years, including 2.8

So if you buy and register a car in Bulgaria you can save a lot of money and drive it absolutely legally in any European country including Greece .No one could ask you why the car got Bulgarian registration plates .The reason is Bulgaria is a full member of EU there are international treaties regarding the car transport and insurances.

To enjoy those benefits you will need to have a permanent residency in Bulgaria or if you don’t reside in Bulgaria  you can establish a bulgarian company  which will possess the car Any company registered in Bulgaria is considered a Bulgarian local person.As I explained above Bulgarian insurance apply to the car and respectively any person who drives is covered including owner of the Bulgarian company . So do consider your situation and come and register a Bulgarian company then buy your Bulgarian car and drive it in Greece You don’t even need to come by your car regularly in Bulgaria ,only for technical examination and insurance ones per year ,all the other time you can spend in Greece.

An ordinance of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Bulgaria defines procedures for registration of motor vehicles owned by the Bulgarian natural and legal persons/Registered Bulgarian companies/.This Ordinance shall apply to EU citizens and their family members, citizens of States Parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area and Switzerland citizens holding Bulgarian permanent residence certificate or a certificate of permanent residence. The vehicle is registered within 14 days of acquiring ownership or form of imports. Upon initial registration of vehicles imported from countries outside the EU, VAT is paid. Vehicles that are first registered in a country member of the EU are not subject to VAT.Price are in Bulgarian leva

Depending on the year of production, value is multiplied by the following ratio:

For vehicles with an engine power to 74 kw including,equipped with catalytic activedevices, the tax is paid at 50% discount.

Vehicles tax shall be paid in two equal installments within the following deadlines: 1 March to 30 June and 30 October of the year for which it is due. Those paid from 1 March to 30 April in the year is a discount of 5%. For vehicles acquiredand registered to move to the current year, the tax paid within two months from the date of acquisition, or the registration oftheir movements, amounting to one twelfth of the annual taxfor each month until the end of the year including the month ofacquisition, respectively, to move their registration. Payment of local taxes is a condition for the regularity of the annual technical inspection of the vehicle.

Sunday 23 June 2013

Belastingparadijs Bulgarije...

Bulgarije heeft de laagste belastingen van Europa, namelijk een flattaks van 10 %. Dit zowel voor vennootschappen als voor personen.

Bulgarije is ten onrechte  vrij onbekend als belastingparadijs in Europa. Doordat Bulgarije de laagste belastingen in de EU kent is het zelfs een van de meest aantrekkelijke landen voor het vestigen van een bedrijf. Daarnaast behoren de arbeidskosten tot de laagste in Europa en ook daarom is Bulgarije uitermate geschikt voor outsourcing van productie.

Bulgarije is in 2007 toegetreden tot de EU en is als zakelijke jurisdictie zéér in opkomst. Geen enkel
ander EU land heeft zoveel investeringen en start-ups vanuit andere EU lidstaten gekend als Bulgarije in de voorbije jaren. Momenteel is dit zelfs explosief gegroeid. In het eerste kwartaal van 2013 hebben zich 2600 Griekse ondernemers gevestigd in Bulgarije. De russen zijn na de val van Cyprus massaal richting Bulgarije getrokken om er te investeren. De banken  en de vastgoedsector doen er opnieuw gouden zaken.

Het land is geliefd ondermeer bij Engelse, Duitse, Nederlandse, Belgische, Griekse, Roemeense en Russische  ondernemers. De reden hiervoor zijn voornamelijk het gezonde ondernemingsklimaat en de loyale werknemers die gekend zijn voor hun werklust. Ook de lage loonkost speelt uiteraard in het voordeel van het land. De loonkost bedraagt nooit meer dan 35 % bovenop het netto loon. De loonkost is geplaffoneerd  op maximaal 2200 leva, wat neerkomt op iets meer dan 1100 euro. Alles erboven wordt enkel belast met de 10 % inkomensbelasting en is dus geen kost voor de werkgever.

In 2006 heeft het Europees Hof in het Cadburry-Schweppes arrest zich uitgesproken over verplaatsingen binnen de EU met fiscale motieven. De uitspraak is glashelder: Dergelijke verplaatsingen vallen onder de Europese vrijheid van vestiging.

Een ieder mag dus een onderneming starten in ieder EU land, ook wanneer dat uitsluitend om fiscale redenen is gedaan. En de ondernemer van vandaag heeft dit begrepen. De explosieve groei van Belgian Bulgarian Partners is daar een schoolvoorbeeld van.

Opmerkelijk is de grote verhuis van personen vanuit Belgie de laatste twee maanden.

Help het Di Rupo pretpark ontvolken

Na de heisa in Belgie de laatste anderhalf jaar met Di Rupo voelen meer en meer Belgische ondernemers zich geroepen om hun vennootschap elders te vestigen. Er zijn er die kiezen voor een puur managementvennootschap maar steeds meer ondernemers kiezen ervoor om zelfs hun productie over te plaatsen naar Bulgarije. En dat is helemaal geen slecht idee. De loonkosten zijn er zeer laag en de Bulgaren zijn meer dan loyale werknemers. Ze hebben respect voor het fenomeen ‘baas/ondernemer'.

Helaas staat Bulgarije niet altijd goed aangeschreven en dit heeft eigenlijk enkel te maken met de schandalen rond fraude met Bulgaren die naar Belgie of Nederland komen zuiver en alleen om er een uitkering te ontvangen. Maar, dat is in werkelijkheid slechts een minderheid, en dat zijn meestal ook niet de echte Bulgaarse Bulgaren. Veelal gaat het om Zigeuners, Pomaken en Turkse Bulgaren. Alle reportages die de Belgische en Nederlandse TV stations lieten zien speelden zich af in Pomaken dorpen of Zigeuner dorpen. En dat geeft uiteraard een compleet vertekend beeld van het werkelijke Bulgarije. En dat is dan natuurlijk koren op de molen van extreem rechtse partijen zoals Vlaams belang en in Nederland de partij van Geert Wilders. De Bulgaarse Bulgaar is best wel een loyale en eerlijke en weldenkende burger die het goed voorheeft met zijn land. En ondernemers uit West Europa worden er bijzonder hartelijk onthaalt. Ze hebben nog respect voor de ondernemer. In Belgie is dat een verhaal uit lang vervlogen tijden. Het aantal verklikkingen steeg er naar ’t schijnt met meer dan 70 % vorig jaar. Koop een nieuwe auto die groter is dan die van je buur en je loopt het risico dat je buur je aangeeft bij de belastingsinspecteur.  In Bulgarije zal je daarentegen meer respect krijgen, want die nieuwe auto is een symbool, een teken dat je goed werk doet, een goede ondernemer bent.  Bulgaren houden van goede managers. In Belgie houdt iedereen iedereen in de gaten, en das natuurlijk aardig meegenomen voor de politici die controle willen. Waar is de tijd dat men er postbodes en buschauffeurs wilde inschakelen om ‘onregelmatigheden’ te raporteren. 

Bulgarije kent een goed en gezond ondernemersklimaat. De onstabiele regering van het moment met de socialisten en ATAKA (extreem rechts nationalistische partij) is geen lang leven beschoren. En de flattaks is niet in gevaar.  ATAKA wil de minimumlonen optrekken van 295 leva naar 1000 leva en de socialistische partij wil de flattaks van 10 naar 15 % brengen. Maar uit wandelgang gesprekken weten wij dat dit niet zal  gebeuren. GERB is op dit moment nog steeds de grootste en ook de machtigste partij en ze kunnen het deze minderheidsregering nog zeer moeilijk maken.

Ondanks al de geruchten en de negatieve berichten in de pers van de laatste maanden staat Bulgarije niet in rep en roer en het is er nog steeds een bijzonder aangenaam land om te wonen en een veilig land om er te ondernemen. Alleen al voor de spaarcenten is het een bijzonder boeiend land, je krijgt van de gemiddelde bank hier 20 keer meer intrest dan de Belgische banken je aanbieden. En met een waarborg  tot 100.000 euro zoals overal in Europa.

Dus, waarom nog wachten. Help het Di Rupo pretpark ontvolken en verhuis massaal naar veiliger en betere oorden: BULGARIJE. 

Tax on the activity from ships operation

Pursuant to Art. 254, Par. 1 of the Corporate Income Tax Act (CITA), the taxable persons mentioned in Chapter 34 can choose whether their activity from ships operation is levied with the tax on the activity from ships operation. The tax rate is 10 per cent. The taxable persons, who have chosen to be levied under this procedure, are levied with this tax for a term not shorter than 5 years.

According to Art. 218, Par. 2, for all the remaining activities, except for those that must be levied with the alternative tax, the taxable persons must be levied with corporate tax.

==> Who is entitled to pay alternative tax on the activity from ships operation?

This tax is paid by the persons performing marine commercial navigation if they comply with all the following conditions:

 they are companies registered under the Commerce Act or are places of business of a company, which is established for taxation purposes in another European Union-member state or European Economic Area-member state in accordance with the respective tax legislation, and, based on a Tax Treaty concluded with a third state, this company is not considered as established for taxation purposes in another state outside the EU or the EEA;
 they operate with own or rented ships, and also rent out ships;
they do not refuse to train trainees aboard the ships, except for the cases when the number of the trainees for a period of one year exceeds the ratio 1 trainee per 15 officers navigating the ships;
 they recruit their crews with Bulgarian citizens or citizens of another EU or EEA-member state;
 at least 60 per cent of the net tonnage of the operated ships belong to vessels that are being navigated under Bulgarian flag or the flag of another EU or EEA-member state;
 they operate according to the requirements of international conventions and the EU legislation on ships navigation safety and security, the environmental protection from ships navigation, and the living and working conditions on board.
Tax on the activity from ships operation is also due by the persons performing marine commercial navigation when they are administering ships based on management contracts, and at the same time are complying with the following conditions:

they meet the criteria mentioned above in Items 1, 5 and 6;
more than half of the administrative staff ashore or the crew consists of Bulgarian citizens or citizens of other EU member states or EEA member states;
at least two thirds of the tonnage of the ships navigated are administered by companies that are residents for tax purposes of an EU member state or another EEA member state.
==> Restrictions to the scope of the tax

The taxable persons are not entitled to apply the procedure for levying the activity from ships operation for:

 Sea ships with net tonnage below 100 tons;
Fishing ships;
 Entertainment ships, except for passenger ships;
Ships which the taxable persons have consigned for management or under a bareboat charter contract, except for the cases when the ships are consigned to the state;
Installations for extraction of ores and minerals, oil platforms and ships performing dredging, towing and dragging activities.
==> Legislation

The activity from ships operation is levied with alternative tax pursuant to the Corporate Income Tax Act.

==> Terms for declaring and paying

By December 31st of the previous calendar year – filing a declaration for exercising the right to choose under Art. 259, Par. 1;
By March 31st of the next calendar year – filing an annual tax return and paying the tax due for the previous calendar year.
==> Declaring the tax on the net tonnage of ships for the days the ship was in operation:

The annual tax return is submitted to National Revenue Agency’s territorial directorate, where the taxpayer is registered.

Pursuant to Art. 259, Par. 3 of the CITA, when submitting the tax return the taxpayer must also submit an annual statement of operations. Pursuant to § 1, Item 56 of the CITA’s Supplementary Provisions, the annual statement of operations shall be the one under Art. 20, Par. 4 of the Statistics Act.

==> Declarations/returns for downloading:

Declaration under Art. 259, Para. 1 of the CITA with the option to select taxation of ships operation.

Annual tax return under Art. 259, Para. 2 of the CITA for the tax due on ships operation.

==> Declarations/returns are submitted to:

National Revenue Agency’s office where the taxpayer is registered, or
§     through a licensed postal operator
==> Tax due is paid:

via banks
To state budget accounts of NRA’s territorial directorate, where the taxpayer is registered.

Payment can be made from any bank by filling in a payment order (deposit slip) for payment to the budget. Usually the banks charge a fee for the transfers. The lowest fee is charged by the bank where the account of the respective NRA territorial directorate (office) is opened.

See the list of the banks serving the accounts of the National Revenue Agency.

by Internet
Payment by Internet requires a debit card and registration at the websites of E-pay and the NRA.

See details about payment of taxes and social security contributions by Internet with debit card.

with postal order for tax payment.
The postal order shall specify the address and name of the respective territorial directorate (office) of NRA, the postal code, as well as the amount due.

==> Sanctions

Pursuant to Art. 261, Para. 1 of the CITA, a taxable person that fails to submit the tax return under this act, or fails to submit it in due time, or fails to state data or circumstances, or states incorrect data or circumstances resulting in either a lower amount of the tax or unjustified reduction, or assignment, or exemption from tax, shall be penalized with a penalty in the amount from BGN 500 to BGN 3,000. In case of a repeated (§ 1, Item 44 of the Supplementary Provisions) violation under Par. 1, the penalty shall be in the amount from BGN 1,000 to BGN 6,000 (Art. 261, Para. 2 of the CITA).

Pursuant to Art. 277 of the CITA the persons who have applied the procedure for levying the activity from ships operation and do not comply with the conditions that entitle them to choose, shall be penalized with a penalty in the amount from BGN 20,000 to 30,000, and in case of a repeated violation – in the amount from BGN 40,000 to 60,000. These persons shall not be entitled to apply the procedure for levying the activity from ships operation for the period of 5 years (Art. 277, Para. 2 of the CITA).

A taxable person who fails to perform his/her obligations under Art. 259, Para. 3 (to submit an annual statement of operations), shall be penalized with a penalty in the amount from BGN 500 to BGN 2,000, and in case of a repeated violation – in the amount of BGN 1,500 to BGN 5,000 (Art. 276 of the CITA).

The statements for administrative offences detected shall be drafted by the National Revenue Agency authorities, and the penal rulings shall be issued by the Executive Director of the National Revenues Agency or an official authorized by him/her (Art. 278, Par. 1 of the CITA).

Pursuant to Art. 278, Para. 2 of the CITA the offences are established, and the penal decisions are issued, appealed and executed according to the Administrative Offences and Sanctions Act.

Final tax for the organizers of gambling games (Bulgaria)

1. The tax on the gambling activity related to lotto, sports and horse/dog races betting, random events betting and betting related to knowledge of facts (quizzes with bets), including gambling activities that are organized remotely

==> This tax is paid by: the organizers of lotto games, sports and horse/dog races betting, random events betting and betting related to knowledge of facts, including gambling activities that are organized remotely

==> Tax base: the amount of the bets made for each game.

==> Tax rate: 15 per cent.

==> Declaring the tax: the tax is declared electronically (using a qualified electronic signature) with a tax return as per template within 7 days from determining game’s outcome.

Bulgaria: withholding tax

Withholding tax deducted pursuant to the Corporate Income Tax Act (CITA)

==> Withholding tax is levied on:

Dividends and liquidation shares, distributed by resident legal persons to:

Non-resident legal persons, except for the cases when dividends are realized by the non-resident legal person by means of a permanent establishment in the country;
Resident legal persons who are not traders.
==> Withholding tax is not levied on dividends and liquidation shares when they are distributed to:

A local legal person participating in the company’s capital as a representative of the State;
A contractual fund;
A non-resident legal person that for tax purposes is a resident person of a Member State of the European Union or a State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.
Withholding tax is also levied on the following types of income of non-resident legal persons, when these types of income have not been realized by means of a permanent establishment in the country:

Income from financial assets and from transactions with financial assets, issued by resident legal persons, the State, and municipalities.
Interest, including interest, which is part of the payments under financial leasing.
Income from rent or other granting of movable property for usage;
Remuneration for technical services.
Remuneration under franchise and factoring contracts.
Remuneration for management or control of a Bulgarian legal person.
Income from rent or other granting of immovable property, located in the country, for usage.
Income from disposal of immovable property, located in the country.
Remuneration of non-resident legal persons established in jurisdictions with preferential tax regime for services or rights, except in the cases when these services or rights have indeed been provided.
Penalties and damages of any kind, charged to the benefit of non-resident legal persons established in jurisdictions with preferential tax regime except for the damages under insurance contracts.
==> Withholding tax is not levied on income from disposal of financial assets pursuant to § 1, Item 21 of CITA’s additional provisions.

==> Tax base for the withholding tax:

The tax base for assessment of the tax on income from dividends shall be the gross amount of the distributed dividends.
The tax base for assessment of the tax on income from liquidation shares shall be the difference between the market price of the amount due to be received by the respective shareholder or partner, and the documentarily evidenced acquisition price of his shares or stock.
The tax base for assessment of the withholding tax deducted from income from interest under financial leasing contracts in the cases when the contracts don’t specify the interest rate shall be the market rate.
The tax base for assessment of the withholding tax deducted from income of non-resident persons from disposal of financial assets shall be the positive difference between their sale price and their documentarily evidenced acquisition price.
The tax base for assessment of the withholding tax deducted from income of non-resident persons from disposal with immovable property shall be the positive difference between the sale price and the documentarily evidenced acquisition price of the said property.
The tax base for the withholding tax deducted from income of non-resident persons in all other cases shall be the gross amount of the income.
==> Tax rates:

The tax rate for the tax on income as per Art.194 of CITA /dividends and liquidation shares/ shall be 5 per cent.
The tax rate for the tax on income from rent, interest and royalties shall be 5 per cent, when the following conditions have been fulfilled simultaneously:
§   owner of the income is a non-resident legal person from a Member State of the European Union, or a permanent establishment in a Member State of the European Union, of a non-resident legal person from a Member State of the European Union;

§   the resident legal person – payer of the income, or the person whose permanent establishment in the Republic of Bulgaria is the payer of the income, is a person connected to the non-resident legal person – owner of the income, or to the person whose permanent establishment is owner of the income.

       3. The tax rate for the tax on all other types of income as per Art.195 of CITA shall be 10 per cent.     

==> Declaring the tax:

The persons liable to deduct and pay withholding tax under Art. 194 and 195 shall declare the tax due for the quarter by means of a tax return as per template, by the end of the month following the quarter. The return shall be submitted to the Territorial Directorate of the National Revenue Agency where the income payer is registered or should be registered. 

When the income payer is not subject to registration, the tax return shall be submitted to the Sofia Territorial Directorate of the National Revenue Agency. 

In the cases when the income payer is a person not liable to deduct and pay tax, the tax return shall be submitted by the income recipient. 

At the request of the interested person, for the tax paid pursuant to this Act for the income of non-resident legal persons a certificate as per template shall be issued. The certificate shall be issued by the Territorial Directorate of the National Revenue Agency where the tax return is submitted or should be submitted.

==> Download tax return:

Tax return as per template under Art. 55, Para. 1 of the Personal Income Tax Act (PITA) and Art. 201, Para. 1 of CITA for taxes due

==> Deadlines for payment of the tax

The income payers deducting withholding tax pursuant to Art. 194 are obliged to pay the taxes due within the end of the month following the quarter when the decision to distribute dividends or liquidation shares was taken.

The income payers deducting withholding tax pursuant to Art.195 are obliged to pay the taxes due within the end of the month following the quarter when the income was charged.

The tax due shall be paid to the respective Territorial Directorate of the National Revenue Agency where the income payer is registered or where he is subject to registration. 

When the income payer (for income pursuant to Art.195 of CITA) is not a taxable person and for income pursuant to Art. 12 Para 3 and Art. 8 Item 2 of the same Act the tax shall be paid by the income recipient within the abovementioned deadline, and the income shall be considered as charged from the date of its receipt by the non-resident legal person.

The tax due shall be paid to the respective Territorial Directorate of the National Revenue Agency where the income payer is registered or where he is subject to registration. When the income payer is not subject to registration, the tax shall be paid to the Sofia Territorial Directorate of the National Revenue Agency. 

==> Adjustment of withholding tax (Art. 202а of CITA)

A non-resident legal person, who for tax purposes is a resident person of a Member State of the European Union, or another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, is entitled to choosing to adjust the withholding tax for income pursuant to Art.12, Para. 2, 3, 5 и 8. When the non-resident legal person chooses to adjust the withholding tax, the adjustment shall be made for all the income the person has realized pursuant to Art.12, Para. 2, 3, 5 and 8 during the year.

When the non-resident person chooses to adjust the withholding tax for the income he has realized the adjusted tax shall be equal to the corporate tax which would be due for this income if the said income was realized by a resident legal person. When the non-resident legal person has realized expenditures related to the income laid down in the first sentence for which tax would be due on the expenditures if they were realized by a resident legal person then this tax would be added to the amount of the adjusted tax.

When the amount of the paid withholding tax pursuant to Art. 195, Para. 1 exceeds the amount of the adjusted tax, the difference is subject to refunding up to the amount of the withholding tax pursuant to Art. 195, Para. 1 which the non-resident person cannot deduct from the tax due in the country where he is a resident person.

The choice to adjust the withholding tax shall be exercised by means of submitting the annual tax return as per template. The tax return shall be submitted by the non-resident person to the Sofia Territorial Directorate of the National Revenue Agency by 31 December of the year following the year of charging the income.