Saturday 27 October 2012

Bulgaria will receive financing from EU

For the period 2007-2013 Bulgaria will receive financing from EU amounting to more than 7 billion Euro. Wide range of beneficiaries can take advantage of the funds, receiving financing for their project ideas. Vikon Accounting Ltd. can be you assistant in the entire process from finding out an appropriate opportunity for financing and receiving of information for the actual competitions to development and realization of concrete projects. We offer you:
  • Preliminary analysis and evaluation of the investment intention
  • Expert recommendations for increase of profits and decrease of costs
  • Development of strategies for financing on European and national programs
  • Introduction to the client with requirements of financing institution
  • Preparation of business plan
  • Making of legal analysis
  • Preparation of auction procedures in correspondence with requirements of European and national programs
  • Expert solutions about all technological, normative, ecological and other aspects connected with the concrete investment project.
        Realize your business idea by using the financial instruments at national and European level. Our experts will help you choose the suitable measures and programs to finance your business idea in order to achieve the best economic results.

        The financing under these programs opens a number of new possibilities to every entrepreneur. This is a unique possibility to expand your business or start a new one with 30-50% less expenses or even at no cost at all.

        Start a new business in Bulgaria or make the property you have bought start generating an income for you. Set up your own small electric power station, a place for rural tourism, hunting and fishing, an internet services and technologies center, facilities for leisure, relaxation and sport, a processing or manufacturing business; start making wood products – details, furniture, designs, houses; offer a variety of services – both locally and globally and many, many more.

        The possibilities are almost unlimited and everything is up to your creativity and entrepreneurial skills.

        Our consultancy services are specialized in drafting and managing grants projects under the Operational Programs and other financial instruments. Our activities are primarily aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises and seek to help companies make use of the funds under grant schemes so they can invest in the business assets they need.

        We offer professional help and our expertise for the following activities:
  • A preliminary assessment of the draft proposal, a detailed analysis and consulting on choosing the most effective program for financing your idea, adapting the idea and project to the requirements, providing a standpoint on the possibility the project to be approved by the financial institution;
  • Preparing and drawing up of a successful project for applying for the respective grant – technical, financial and legal argumentation of the project, filing of the project and defending it before the competent body;
  • Execution and management of the project and of the realized business idea – our team will help you realize the project and perform the activities and fulfill the conditions set by the donor institutions. In each of the cases this is the crucial step for absorbing the funds under the agreement. If the project is executed improperly in any way, the monitoring body may refuse to grant the whole or part of the sum allocated.
        And last, but not least, our team will assist and advise you how to optimize the activity and management of the enterprise in order to achieve optimal financial results. We will offer you various business solutions in the country on the basis of which you can develop your ideas and undertakings.